Tuesday 24 March 2015



The Wishing Well

Humans have always believed in superstitions, some that are scientifically unexplainable others that are not, these superstitions grew and are believed by many individuals today such as the wishing well. 

Norse Well of Knowledge
People have been throwing coins and many other valuables in wells and rivers for centuries. This has sprouted from the belief in guardians and deities  (supernatural) living in wells, could grant wishes for those offerings. The belief was that if a coin was thrown into a well and head was facing up the wish would be granted, otherwise it would be ignored. This belief existed for centuries before, at the times of the Norse, Celts and Germanic people. The Norse believed in Mimir's well which gave wisdom if an individual sacrificed what they hold dear. It was believed that Odin sacrificed his right eye to see the future and the reason behind it. The Celts on the other hand placed wooden statues in front of wells representing the god of pools. The Germanic people threw armour and weapons of fallen enemies into the river as offering.

The biggest reason behind the exponential growth of this belief was due to people unknowingly discovering the biocidal properties of copper and silver. Those two metals are water purifiers since they are toxic to heterotrophic bacteria in aquatic environment. This killed the bacterium purifying the water. As for why people believe in many unexplainable superstitions is that it provides a sense of wonder. This helps keep human imagination running and our lives interesting. Not many people know the scientific reasoning behind the popularity of the wishing well but see it as a source of luck and wonder.

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