Sunday 24 May 2015

Macbeth Post Mortem Monologue

Macbeth Monologue

Macbeth -"I am pained with the sins that I has't committed, as I hath left mine body and mine worldly desires behind, the pain crashed into me like the waves on the shore as all mine worldly mistakes dawned on me. I has't been cheated by the wicked witches and mine ambitious wife into committing betrayal, murder and bringing woe and heaviness upon the souls of mine foes. I has't betrayed mine dearest king and cousin Duncan, massacred mine own kin to gain a worthless title. I has't murdered closest friend Banquo and attempted to murder his son. I hath sent worthless assassins to killeth one of the most honourable warrior in the kingdom! But I has't suffered as well, waking up every night to the sound of Duncan's dying screams, hearing Banquo's shuffling steps following me while I'm awake, seeing mine crazed wife jump of the top of the dark tower. I has't gained land and wage but hath lost mine heart and soul in the process. I has't traded everything I loved for worthless title. Duncan, Banquo and everyone I has't wrought mine deathly plague too I giveth thee my most humble apology for the pain I has't caused thee and the destruction I has't wrought on our beloved kingdom. Since I wast young I dreamt of ruling the vast kingdom, this dream caused me and thee all so much suffering and pain. I apologize for everything I has't done. I AM SORRY DUNCAN, I AM SORRY BANQUO, I AM SORRY SCOTLAND, I PRAY FOR THY FORGIVNESS, I HAS'T WRONGED THEE!!!!"

Duncan - "Welcome mine lief cousin thy sins art forgiven ."
Banquo - "Welcome Macbeth I am glad thou has't hath found thy way back, thy mistakes art forgiven."

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